Monday, March 7, 2011

more is more

I've attached some photos of a house recently completed by Omer Arbel, a former school mate of mine. It is no doubt a decadent project, rich with ideas, but I think it has quite a delightful and playful spirit to it that we might be able to draw some inspiration from. In keeping with some of the initial ideas about a building that could blend into the landscape or act as an artificial new landscape emerging from the site, this house is sited loosely, as compared to Zaha Hadid's seminal "Land Formation-One" pavilion from the 90's which is highly composed (I'll have a reference to this in the next post later this evening once I arrive back in Toronto).

I appreciate how he has thoughtfully considered all of the ground, walls, ceiling planes and key architectural elements. There are moments in the building where there is a blurring of the inside and outside spaces. The paved space with a pattern of grass tuft spots acts like a outdoor carpet and a potential ground playscape of sorts (as well as performs as pervious paving surface for one of the LEED credits). Not all of the textured board formed concrete walls are 90 degrees. The suspension of elements to animate the ceiling space is interesting. Maybe suspended swing benches could be considered in our pavilion as well as other elements in the ceiling zone. I have also not seen as delightful of a structural steel column in a while as the one in this house. In general though, I like one of this project's imbued sensibility of reconsidering the expected norm of what is a wall, column, furniture (and a toboggan hill in the case of our project for instance).

check out more of this project at project 23.2 house

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